Fence Row Gardening

Green Guide For Wise Use Of Forgotten Soil

by Paul R Smith

Fence Row Gardening

Fence Row Gardening

Green Guide For Wise Use Of Forgotten Soil

by Paul R Smith

Published Dec 18, 2008
51 Pages
Genre: GARDENING / General


Book Details

When It Comes to Gardening,

a Fence is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Far too often, the areas around residential fences are unattractive,hard-to-mow no man’s land. But not anymore. Fence Row Gardening from author and expert gardener Paul R. Smith unleashes the power of your fence to highlight an attractive, bountiful garden. These often-overlooked spots are ideal for gardens thanks to their manageable size, easy upkeep and limitless possibilities. And say goodbye to mowing around posts ever again! You’ll learn the basics about fence row gardening, including: Exactly what tools you need to get started- How your fence can serve as an automatic sprinkler system- A guide to fence-friendly fruits, vegetables, vines, and flowers.The Smith Random Planting System — for stunning results, every time! Step-by-step instructions for planting, harvesting and preparing,season by season.Packed with useful tips,this delightful volume is perfect for the master gardener and not-so-green-thumb beginner. You’ll see how to turn any old fence — from picket fences to chain link ones — into a gorgeous focal point and year-round produce stand!


About the Author

Paul R Smith

Paul Smith is a retired associate professor and school administrator.The father of three daughters — Monica, Paula, and Lori — he lives in southwest Kentucky.