Father, May I...

Lessons from the Old-Fashioned Game of "Mother, May I,." Calling for Giant Steps of Courage and Kindness Toward Joyful Living

by Marjorie Wright Hawkins

Father, May I...

Father, May I...

Lessons from the Old-Fashioned Game of "Mother, May I,." Calling for Giant Steps of Courage and Kindness Toward Joyful Living

by Marjorie Wright Hawkins

Published Feb 15, 2022
166 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

Every Step You Take

The aim of being a good mother, father or captain in the game of “Mother, May I,” is to bring everyone to the goal line as equally as possible. And, isn’t that what our heavenly Father seeks, as well….to bring each of us to an earthly finish line, in joyful anticipation of Eternal Life? I hope these reflections inspire the reader to gather thoughts and memories to share in written, electronic or face to face conversation with those you love. Sharing talks, texts, and memories; enjoying storytelling and s’mores by the fire and sharing meals together offer perfect opportunities to bring together “old stuff” and “new stuff” with grandchildren, family and friends, along with a chance to celebrate accomplishments, laugh at our mistakes and resolve differences. Perhaps my words will resonate in some helpful, tender or peace-seeking way in each reader’s life. If these reflections can lift spirits, bring a smile of remembrance or start a conversation with a child, relative, friend, or neighbor, we are on our way to enhancing and strengthening our lives, our communities and the world. My prayer seeks to love God and love people. The more I love God, the more I can love others exactly as they are. In the loving presence of “Our Father,“ every step guides us toward the finish line. As our prayers seek divine approval, aren’t we really asking, “Father, may I” take steps in choosing thoughts and performing deeds that please you?


About the Author

Marjorie Wright Hawkins

Marjorie Hawkins has enjoyed life as a farm daughter, student, wife, mother, gramma Mimi, relative, teacher, school administrator, community enthusiast and friend. She loves to plan and complete beneficial agendas, create comfort and strengthen relationships. She values God’s gifts and the joy of passing them on through the delivery of positive thoughts, prayers and deeds.