Sagacious Doves

A Guide to Graciously Inventing and Realizing Life Sagaciously!

by Donna B. Huger

Sagacious Doves

Sagacious Doves

A Guide to Graciously Inventing and Realizing Life Sagaciously!

by Donna B. Huger

Published Aug 15, 2018
146 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational


Book Details

You Have a Commission to Live Life Sagaciously!

Sagacious: showing keen mental discernment, being shrewd and skilled in following a trail. Having quick intellectual perceptions, of keen penetration and judgment, discerning and judicious.

Life does not come with an instruction manual—which means only we can decide how to live it! Sagacious Doves: A Guide to Graciously Inventing and Realizing Life Sagaciously inspires and encourages young women to dream big dreams and to be intentional about creating the lives they desire. With spiritually sound practices, this thoughtful and pragmatic guide outlines how to…

• Set Sagacious Boundaries
• Make Sagacious Life Choices
• Engage in Sagacious Goal Setting
• Develop Sagacious Relationships
• Live a Sagacious Lifestyle

Sagacious Doves is an inspirational resource and a must-read for young women of all ages seeking to graciously invent and realize life on their own terms—by embracing the imaginable, always staying true, and being watchful and prayerful in decisions, relationships, and God-given purposes—sagaciously!


Book Excerpt

Webster’s Dictionary defines sagacious as showing keen mental discernment, being shrewd and skilled in following a trail. Someone with quick intellectual perceptions, of keen penetration and judgment, discerning and judicious. Wow, I thought as I read the definition over a few times, I really like the word sagacious. What great qualities and characteristics to possess. And then I began to examine myself. Do I possess these qualities? Do I practice these attributes and traits in my daily life? And most of all, did I instill these important elements of character in my son and especially in my daughter? After some thought and reflection, by all accounts I felt most certain that I did. I felt sagacious. And began to describe myself as sagacious. The word gave me a sense of self-confidence. It was a quality that I wore like a coat of arms. When I thought of myself as sagacious, I actually felt like I was wearing an armor and that I had the ability to invent and realize the life that I wish to have no matter what life threw my way. Believe me, I have experienced many curve balls in my life and, as life is, will experience many more. Not that I am looking for more curve balls in my life, I just have come to understand that life has its challenges and that for the most part, challenges help us to learn and grow. It’s how we learn to become resilient, how we learn what we are made of, and how we learn to bounce back! As a school counselor by profession, my next thought was about the young girls I had worked with over the years, the ones I currently work with, and the ones I had yet to work with. How could I help them to experience the same confidence I felt? Could I somehow use the word that had enticed and pulled at me throughout the years to inspire and encourage young women to always dream big dreams and to be intentional about inventing and realizing the lives they wished for? Could the word that I had carried around in my mind actually have a bigger purpose than how it made me feel? I began to have a sense that there was more to why this word stuck with me over all these years. Just maybe, God was trying to tell me something about one of my purposes in life. I am a firm believer that everything that happens has greater meaning and a God-given purpose for a specific time and place in our lives and in the lives of those we impact. Every experience and yes, perhaps, every word! Sagacious is that word for me!


About the Author

Donna B. Huger

Dr. Donna B. Huger is a professional school counselor and counselor educator whose passion is working with and inspiring young people. She lives in Irmo, South Carolina, with her husband Darryl, and she is the proud mother of Darryl II and Danielle and the “GranDD” of MAXTON.