The DUI Investigation Handbook

by David N. Jolly


Book Details

The Ultimate DUI Investigation Handbook

The crime of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) begins and ends with the work of a well trained law enforcement officer. These officers observe driving behaviors of DUI drivers, respond to 911 calls and accidents, observe the physical appearances and mannerisms of DUI drivers, administer field sobriety tests to drivers, and ultimately must decide whether the driver is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The complexity of these tasks under difficult conditions requires the law enforcement officer to make many decisions that will affect the individual being investigated and ultimately the case against this person. Therefore the decisions made by the officer must only be based on a thorough and well crafted investigation. This book details the DUI investigation process from the initial observations of driving, the first contact with the driver, and the administration of field sobriety tests. This book takes an objective view of the DUI investigation process and what law enforcement must do to properly and ethically proceed with each phase of the DUI investigation. This book is a must for every DUI law enforcement officer and any individual in the field of DUI, including prosecutors and defense attorneys.


About the Author

David N. Jolly

David N. Jolly is a Washington State DUI defense attorney. His legal career began as a prosecuting attorney and since 2001 he has been defending those accused of DUI. He is also the author of the award winning book, DUI/DWI: The History of Driving Under the Influence and the first iTunes DUI App for those accused of DUI in the United States. David is also a Certified Field Sobriety Test Instructor. David was born in Melbourne, Australia, and spent his teen years in Calgary, Canada. He is a graduate of the University of Calgary and received his Law Degree from Northern Illinois University College of Law. He and his family live in Mukilteo, Washington.

Also by David N. Jolly

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