Adult Bedtime Stories II

by Johnie R. Pullum


Book Details

Warning: Reading this Book May Keep You up at Night

New horror favorite Johnie R. Pullum brings even more insomnia-inducing thrills with ADULT BEDTIME STORIES II. Here are eight short stories from the past, present and future, all full of Pullum’s trademark penchant for macabre, thought-provoking — and bloodcurdling — scenarios. In “Voodoo Dawn 3 (Escape from the Spirit Realm),” Audrey Jackson has returned following a narrow, death-defying escape from the spirit dimension. Imbued with an awesome sense of power she’s only just beginning to understand, Audrey’s back in the land of the living to wreak havoc on the wretched — and before it’s over, will leave a trail of awesome destruction. In “Creatures from the ID,” a meteor crash leaves residents of a small town with bizarre — and deadly — mental powers. But even those affected appear powerless to rein in their new abilities, with devastating consequences.In “An Error of Judgment,” a man accidentally sent to hell suffers unspeakable torment and torture, for a story guaranteed to make you reconsider how you live your life. And in “In the Wink of an Eye,” A freak solar occurrence leads scientists to predict years of bitter-cold winters worldwide. A fanatical environmentalist scoffs as residents prepare for the chill; but the final forecast will have you shivering with excitement. Full of strange twists, unique possibilities and piercing observations, these and other stories will stick with you long after the book is closed.


About the Author

Johnie R. Pullum

Johnie R. Pullum is the author of the first volume of ADULT BEDTIME STORIES, also through Outskirts Press. A U.S. Army veteran, he is a graduate of New York City Technical College and holds two patents for ammunition design. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Also by Johnie R. Pullum

Adult Bedtime Stories