A Small Sense of Hereness

by Dallas Gatlin


Book Details

It Won't Take You Long to Stay a While

From the author of the delightful 70 Sticks: Poems of Life and Love comes this much awaited follow-up, a mesmerizing and beautifully crafted collection filled with truth and optimism. Dallas Gatlin cleverly guides us through a "A Small Sense of Hereness" peeling back the layers of insecurities and fears that haunt the human spirit to reveal a deep consciousness and inner peace that comes from a sense of "hereness"-an awareness that we just might be here for a reason! So whether you have read his first book or not-pick up A Small Sense of Hereness, find a quiet chair and prepare for a most delightful visit to places familiar--and new!


Book Excerpt


You from me
It separates but
Not by much
A paper-thin privacy
Not hard to puncture but yet
It’s what keeps you from me
I should set it afire
Let it burn away the timid fiber that
Blocks my full view of you
I’m not really that far away
On a full run I could tear right through it
But I wait, and wait, and think
Then suddenly there you are
On this side but walking past
And all I can do is say to myself,
“It slides?”


About the Author

Dallas Gatlin

Dallas Gatlin, author of "70 Sticks: Poems of Life and Love", treats us to another rich delight in "A Small Sense of 'Hereness'." A native of Flint, Michigan he draws upon the rich experiences of growing up and living in a town that knows about life and love, heartache and celebration--all the ups and downs of getting from one end of life to the other. Dallas is an accomplished leader in the automobile industry, public education, and is a licensed minister through the International Church of the Nazarene. He and his wife Nola have traveled extensively to nearly every continent in their 30 year adventure together.