A Poignant Letter to My Fellow Americans

Experience Must be Our Guide

by The Layman

A Poignant Letter to My Fellow Americans

A Poignant Letter to My Fellow Americans

Experience Must be Our Guide

by The Layman

Published Jul 28, 2020
142 Pages
Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civics & Citizenship


Book Details

The evolution of our Humanity

The ultimate intent of the Founding Fathers in designing the Constitution of the United States was to answer a question that’s older than the country itself. In answering that question, the Founding Fathers provided the Body of the Whole of the People of the Union with the instrument needed to guide the Moral Conscious and Course of the Nation. Thus, the answer to that age-old question that’s older than the country itself, provides the positive proof as to the Key to the balance between our Liberties and the Power endowed in the Government.


About the Author

The Layman

I’m an American Veteran with thirty years of military experience. I took a solemn oath long ago to defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both Foreign and Domestic. My military service has ended, but my oath still stands and I will honor my oath. I mean to strengthen the bonds of the Sacred Knot: The Union of the People. I’m an avid believer and lover of the Constitution of the United States of America. I’m also an historical admirer of American History, African American History and World History. I’m wholly dedicated to the safety and posterity of the Body of the Whole of the People of the Union, the back bone of my Nation.