A Living Epistle of A Servant of Christ

by Latesha Gilchrist

A Living Epistle of A Servant of Christ

A Living Epistle of A Servant of Christ

by Latesha Gilchrist

Published Mar 26, 2022
89 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Biblical Studies / New Testament / General Epistles


Book Details

“She’s done it again! Another page-turner and it is just as powerful, riveting, and transformative as her last book, if not more...”

No theology degree, an unorthodox message that the living God put on Latesha Gilchrist’s heart. A living Epistle is the living, breathing, walking, and talking testimony of Latesha transition as she takes the steps of allowing God to transform her life; past, present, and future. Gilchrist is the surname of Gaelic language origins, meaning a servant of Christ according to Wikipedia. God threw the world a curveball when he chose Latesha. For every inch taken, a step has to be made and Latesha takes the reader through every step while on her wild but truthful and liberating journey of redemption. So, buckle your seatbelt and get ready to take the ride of your life.


About the Author

Latesha Gilchrist

Latesha Gilchrist is a Christian who dedicates her life to helping others discover their true authentic selves through unorthodox methods. She is a mother, Certified Peer Support Counselor, author, speaker and is currently working on her third book.

Also by Latesha Gilchrist

All I Have


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