
An Unauthorized Biography of a United States Marine Corps Reserve Lieutenant

by Perry Shimanoff



An Unauthorized Biography of a United States Marine Corps Reserve Lieutenant

by Perry Shimanoff

Published Aug 31, 2012
127 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

DILLICLAP: Do I Look Like I Could Lead a Platoon?

It has been 40 years since Schustermeyer served in the Marines. He receives a copy of an autobiography written by his USMC roommate who has recently died. As he reads thru the manuscript, there are a couple of yellow post-it notes that are not relevant to the story. Schustermeyer returns to Minnesota to attend the funeral service, and uncover the mystery surrounding his roommate’s unexpected demise. Funny, irreverent, historic, poignant – anyone who has ever served in the military will enjoy this delightful, albeit prurient romp.


About the Author

Perry Shimanoff

Perry Shimanoff is a former USMC Officer who served on active duty from 1970-1973. Currently Perry owns a small management consulting firm, and continues to spit shine his civilian shoes.

Also by Perry Shimanoff

Schustermeyer- My Senior Year
Schustermeyer's Mother
Schustermeyer and the Maintenance Department
Schustermeyer and Freyja
Schustermeyer’s Threesome
Schustermeyer and Freyja: 2019