Babysitting Grandpa

by John R. Scannell


Book Details

Every babysitting grandparent knows, from first-hand experience, the unceasing, unflagging, incredibly positive energy of an active one-year-old. Every babysitting grandparent understands that these toddlers—human, perpetual-motion machines—will blossom and thrive when shown an abundance of love and patience. That’s every babysitting grandparent’s point-of-view. But what does babysitting look like from a one-year-old’s perspective? What does a one-year-old toddler think as she invites her grandfather to participate in her laughter-filled, fun-loving, carefree life? Babysitting Grandpa offers a delightful glimpse into the playful imp inside every grandchild—every teasing, curious, exuberant grandchild who has the good fortune of looking after her Grandpa for a day.


About the Author

John R. Scannell

The author lives happily in the Evergreen State with his wife, Wendy, and their dogs and cats.