The Bubble in Me

(Hiccup’s Hiccups, #1)

by Dr. J. Alvarez


Book Details


Tibby the Chubby Tiger meets a very fuzzy bumblebee, Benny, who can’t fly, and they end up forming a close friendship. They become a trio when they meet Hiccup the Hippo, who spends a lot of time alone because she hiccups when she speaks. Instead of making fun of each other’s flaws, the three friends support each other. In this circle of trust, Hiccup reveals her greatest secret, which eventually entices them to go on an adventure. Unexpectedly, they meet a new friend, solve troubling problems, and at the end of it, realize that although they may have thought of themselves as imperfect, each one of them has valuable gifts and strengths to share.


About the Author

Dr. J. Alvarez

The author of the Hiccup's Hiccups children's book series, Dr. J. Alvarez, enjoys writing about humorous takes on the numerous challenges that people might face in their life, as a way to help individuals cope with different situations positively. Getting your giggle on always makes life better. . . and more bearable. Dr. J. is a professor of communication studies with more than 18 years of teaching experience. She has a PhD in Education and a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Human Communication Studies. While she was penning down her scholarly research, her daughter had once asked her, "Why can't you write a children's book?" So, she did. The Hiccup's Hiccups series was written with the intention of teaching children to respect themselves and the differences in others—a problem her daughter experienced when she was being bullied in elementary school. Likewise, she was concerned about her son, who is on the autism spectrum and the potential stigma that could surround a child with developmental challenges. She is hopeful that the series will help children embrace their differences and will cultivate the values of empathy and compassion. When she is not teaching or writing on the patio of her home in Southern California, she is completing her morning runs, so she can indulge in chocolate-chip cookies later on. She also enjoys receiving loving licks from her chocolate Labrador Retriever and spending time with her family. Her two children are her biggest source of inspiration. In fact, the inspirations behind her beloved characters in the Hiccup's Hiccups series include personality traits of her children.

Also by Dr. J. Alvarez

Double Bubble
