The Skinny, Sexy Mind

The Ultimate French Secret

by Trish Blackwell


Book Details

Unlock the French Secret to Transform Your Body and Your Life!

Low self-esteem is an epidemic among American women. In the United States, 67% of women are dieting at any given time; an additional 10% have an eating disorder; and 80% of ten-year-old girls have already tried dieting. Trapped by a compulsive need to conform to arbitrary societal standards of beauty, American women have lost their sense of self. The Skinny, Sexy Mind is here to change all that. Author Trish Blackwell knows what it’s like to fall into the trap of unrealistic expectations. A born overachiever, she always expected perfection of herself. She bought into America’s skinny revolution and battled an eating disorder in her quest for flawlessness. But when she moved to France, her understanding of beauty and her body were transformed into a powerful new joie de vivre that redefined her personal confidence and quality of life. The Skinny, Sexy Mind is a groundbreaking, searingly honest challenge to American women, who desperately need to retrain their minds and lifestyles. This is a book with the power to change lives and to save future generations from the lies and damage of the American culture of beauty.


About the Author

Trish Blackwell

Living in France after graduating from college, Trish Blackwell discovered the ultimate secret to living, not just comfortably, but joyfully in her own skin. Trish loved her body for the first time in her life while in France, and it was then that she knew her journey to freedom was meant to be shared with others. Trish is now a certified personal trainer and fitness entrepreneur; her company, Uncaged Confidence, is committed to inspiring others to unleash their inner self and to master the gift of confidence.