Gary Bickford has decades of experience presenting seminars to healthcare professionals about the health damage of undue stress. As a family nurse practitioner, he has witnessed the emotional and physical damage stress causes his own patients in emergency rooms, retail clinics, and his own clinic, and his suggestions have worked for hundreds of people to increase their overall health.
Our Stress is Killing Us: Money-back Guaranteed Solutions
by Gary R. Bickford, PhD, FNP-BC
Our Stress is Killing Us: Money-back Guaranteed Solutions
by Gary R. Bickford, PhD, FNP-BC
Published Jun 19, 2013
274 Pages
Genre: SELF-HELP / Self-Management / Stress Management
Book Details
Our Stress is Killing Us: Money-back Guaranteed Solutions
People today are under more stress than ever before—and it’s killing us! Stress can cause high blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and a host of other related symptoms and maladies. We are often unaware of just how much tension we’re experiencing because we’re so accustomed to it. And despite the steady stream of articles and research showing just how damaging stress-related illnesses are, most people are unaware of the basic, money-saving solutions there are to combat undue stress.
Gary Bickford has spent the last 40 years in healthcare and has observed firsthand the physical toll stress takes on his patients. His book offers simple, concrete ways to recognize stress levels and minimize the damage stress does to the body. The solutions are basic, easy to implement, and they provide quick relief. With these methods, you’ll improve your overall health, increase your energy level, and successfully deal with almost every aspect of your life that is negatively impacted by stress. Money-back Guaranteed!