THE KING OF NO: A Financial Firefighter

by Loyall Wilson


Book Details

Tony was Mrs. Smith’s Investment Advisor. She trusted and loved him like he was her son. He did everything for her from making home repairs, filing her taxes, installing a sprinkler system, too ensuring she received a monthly check to live on. Mrs. Smith’s statement actually indicated she was making a substantial return on her investments. Fast forward time and now some stranger was at her door, trying to convince her the person she loved most in the world and whom she had known his whole life, was a thief. Tony had stolen her entire life’s savings. This memoir will take you behind the scenes with me as Chief Compliance Officer of a large investment firm, with the arduous task of detection, prevention and putting out financial fires. Through my story, you will learn how I placed dozens of people in prison for stealing millions of dollars from clients and how I fought the company, advisors, and clients, in my efforts to protect them. I expose how a beautiful smile and a great personality can be used as instruments of deception. You will learn how to spot “red flags,” even when you don’t think anything is wrong. Many have heard Bernie Madoff’s story, as he most notably stole 50 billion dollars from various clients. What is rarely talked about are the thousands of smaller stories similar to Bernie Madoff’s, which happen every day. Come with me as I show you what can happen on the other side of trust.


About the Author

Loyall Wilson

Loyall Wilson retired after 38 years in the investment business. He held roles as president of a broker/dealer, executive vice president, chief compliance officer, and FINRA arbitrator. Loyall held the designation of certified regulatory compliance professional (CRCP) and security registration series 4,7,9,10,24,53,63, and 65.