Becoming Rosie: Memoir of a Groupie

by Christine Fowler


Book Details

Christine's memoir takes you on one fun ride after another through her groupie escapades.

Struggling to raise two young children alone in the 1970s while attempting to grow up herself, Christine blends her passion for the music, the music scene, and searching for love on this roller coaster ride. She secures a waitress position at the concert venue known as Pine Knob, which leads to a position at Charley’s Crab in Troy adjacent to the Northfield Hilton, where all the bands in town reside during their brief time in town.


About the Author

Christine Fowler

Born and bred in Detroit, Michigan later raised in Plymouth, Michigan, Ms. Fowler has a bachelor’s degree in science from Oakland University and is a member of the Detroit Working Writer’s group established in 1900 by a group of women only of the Detroit Press Club. She is currently working on a fictional tale of a traveling nurse.



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