JHN Exclusive
by Jacob L. Hollingsworth

JHN Exclusive
by Jacob L. Hollingsworth
Published Apr 28, 2022
209 Pages
Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / General
Book Details
The First of the 'JACOB HOLLINGSWORTH NETWORK CORPORATION' JHN EXCLUSIVE Commercial Releases. Written by JHN Corp Founder, Jacob L. Hollingsworth. JACOB HOLLINGSWORTH NETWORK has nearly 50 inserts written and edited by screenwriters & writers. Including CYRUS. 'JHN EXCLUSIVE CYRUS', the novel, brings a certain realism to the Drama, Science Fiction & Romance Genres. With Jacob Hollingsworth's theater/film background, he analyzes and navigates CYRUS like the Director and visionary he is. With his original narratives on character interaction and attention to every dynamic and possibility each word presents, CYRUS is every bit of a modern day masterpiece. Formulated for the next generation of readers to take in with color and perspective. The first installment of the CYRUS series places stones to be overturned along the way. Showing that love and fantasy... is more than just "Love and Fantasy". It's one's search for their true meaning and destiny.