Rooted and Grounded in Love

Devotions for Growing Couples

by Noni Strand


Book Details

An Invitation to Grow in Relationship

The wisdom of plants and the resources of faith help couples nourish their relationships with one another, God, and all of Creation in this book of devotions, prayers, and active reflections. Drawing from 23 years of service with young people on a college campus and Earth as teacher, the author utilizes the life cycle of a plant to explore the intricacies of relationships, marriage, and living more sustainably. From soil and seed, through roots and leaves and reproduction, to death and compost, readers are invited to reflect on God, love, conflict, children and parenting, the Bible, faith, forgiveness, sexuality, care of Creation, and other facets of life together. Rooted and Grounded in Love: Devotions for Growing Couples celebrates both the challenges and joys of living together in healthy, committed, and faithful relationships with a Loved One, God, and everything and everyone around us.


About the Author

Noni Strand

Noni Strand is an ordained Lutheran pastor who served for 23 years as Campus Pastor at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas. She earned an MA in Earth Literacy at St. Mary-of-the-Woods College in Indiana. She currently serves as Staff Chaplain at Salina Regional Health Center in Salina, Kansas. She and her husband, Virg Augustine, live in Salina along with their son, Luke, a college student.