The Saints of San Simeon

On the Central Coast of California

by Michele Smith, Esq.


Book Details

The timeless journey of marvelous and moving stories of the SAINTS OF SAN SIMEON from the devotional collection at Hearst Castle comes to life in this engaging book. A scholar, local historian and patron of fine art and a collector of devotional art, Michele, a former guide at Hearst San Simeon Historical Monument, writes about the amazing and fascinating devotional art contained in the collection of newspaper tycoon William Randolf Hearst. Hearst was an avid collector of many artifacts in the 1920’s and 1930’s, including an extensive collection of devotional art. Her book describes the lives of the saints, their attributes and martyrdom.


About the Author

Michele Smith, Esq.

Michele is a docent at Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa A member of California Mission Studies Association A docent and member at Cambria Historical Museum A member of The History Center of San Luis Obispo County



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