Philosophy of Life

A Collection of Philosophical Quotes, Poems and Essays

by Víctor Aragón Jr.


Book Details

Hope, hope, where have you gone, our work is not yet done? Hope, hope, rise again, light up again . . .

This book I dedicate to all of those who have walked before us, to those who walk amongst us now, and to the many who after our time are to walk this earth.

In this book through a variety sort of some of my philosophical essays, poems and quotes (a small fragment from a large collection), I have written and continue to write, I share with you and with everyone my interpretation of my observations and experiences of life good and bad, some of my own and others of the lives of others whom I have known and not known; in hopes that my words can shed some light to you and many others and help you find some comfort.

The intention of this book, through an original collection of philosophical quotes (metaphors, meditations, reflections), poems and essays, is for the reader to reflect upon life, especially his or her own life. To reflect deep within the core of his or her existence, in hopes to decipher and better understand things that have happened and can happen in life, to ultimately evolve and transform into a better and less imperfect individual.

"When for great knowledge you yearn,
there are no limits to how much you can learn."

by: Víctor Aragón Jr.

Facebook:  PhilosophyofLifebyAragon
Instagram: victoraragonjr


Book Excerpt


Today is a very important and special day, a day that very few people celebrate. It is a day that is rarely observed, going unnoticed most of the time. This day few people celebrate the way it should be and few acknowledge the one reason, the one purpose to celebrate this very special day, not yesterday and not tomorrow but the day of today. For each time you awake to a new day the celebration should begin, the celebration of a new day of life which, should be more than a reason to to celebrate.

So for every new day of life you should live to celebrate and give tribute to it, and learn to appreciate, cherish, treasure and value the most important and significant things in every new day; therefore, live as if your new day was your very last day. By living this way you can either live this one day intensely, immensely and fully or you can spend your time occupied with unimportant things or in idleness as you let this day slip away.

Now, always remember when you awaken to a new day to celebrate this day by shining your light and your love, and by imparting peace and understanding to everyone and everything. In this way you can find a deeper meaning in the essence of life of this day, for the celebration of today.

by Víctor Aragón Jr.


About the Author

Víctor Aragón Jr.

On the day I was born my appreciation and passion for spoken and written words was also born. Far back in early childhood, as far back as I can consciously recollect I began to express my emotions, ideas, and thoughts with ink on paper through poetry and philosophies to convey a deeper meaning of life. Then ever since, up to the present time, I have never ceased to continue to learn and write, in my own words, about anything and about the complexities and simplicities of life that many of us experience or witness at one time or another.

"When you become tired of walking in the dark,
search within and find your spark."

by Víctor Aragón Jr.