The Paradise Puzzle

Living the balanced spiritual life we were intended to live.

by Ed Jones


Book Details



Finally, an approachable, easy-to-read guide to understanding Christian spirituality that doesn’t spare the details. The Paradise Puzzle from author Ed Jones delves into the Old and New Testament — from Genesis and the Garden of Eden to the trinity and original sin — with an emphasis on putting the pieces together in order to help you lead a more balanced, spiritually fulfilled life. Here’s your perfect opportunity to establish a satisfying and rewarding relationship with God, whether you’re new to the Bible or a longtime churchgoer who’s never quite connected with scripture. You’ll learn:

- The meaning — not just the words — contained in the Bible, and how

to put it into practice in your daily life.

- The Pieces, the Puzzle, the Picture and the Perspective — Jones’

breakthrough four-part approach to explaining Bible basics and how they relate to the “bigger picture.”

- The magic of acceptance — of ourselves, others and God.

- The common thread shared by Christians, Jews and Muslims — and what

it means for world peace.

- Why God lets terrible tragedies — such as Sept. 11 — occur, and

what it means to your faith.

Understanding God’s word can be challenging and frustrating — but also exceptionally rewarding. The good news, as Jones writes, is that “God has already reached out to us. All we need to do is reach back.” Take the next step on your spiritual journey with The Paradise Puzzle.


Book Excerpt

This might just be the book for you: IF………

1)You are looking for, and yearn for something more than a quick “believe and get” approach to spiritual life.

2)You are willing to momentarily stop trying to figure out what God is all about, and want to find a way to live more faithfully with God.

3)You are willing to step outside of the spiritual maze created by trying to understand the content rather than the context of scripture.

4)You are willing to stop gnawing on the pit of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge long enough to gain some enlightenment or understanding.


About the Author

Ed Jones

Ed Jones holds a bachelor’s in psychology, and concentrated in religious studies, education, philosophy and theater. He also holds a Master’s in counseling and marriage and family therapy. He lives in Stamford, Conn.