A life interest and pursuit of science, including an A.B from Earlham College and Ph.D. from Duke University, and a passion for teaching (Catonsville Community College) led Dr. Nebel to write one of the early and highly successful Environmental Science texts. In turn, Nebel recognized the need for more substantial elementary level science education. These highly regarded BFSU volumes (see reviews of 1st edition on Amazon and elsewhere) are the result. Dr. Nebel lives with his wife in Catonsville, MD. He may be reached at: bnebel@erols.com or through www.pressforlearning.com
Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding
A Science Curriculum for K-8 and Older Beginning Science Learners, 2nd Ed. Vol. I, Grades K-2
by Bernard J. Nebel Ph.D.

Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding
A Science Curriculum for K-8 and Older Beginning Science Learners, 2nd Ed. Vol. I, Grades K-2
by Bernard J. Nebel Ph.D.
Published Sep 26, 2014
498 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Curricula
Book Details
“Awesome science for home-school or classroom.” – User review
Science is such a vast realm of knowledge and skills, it is hard to know where to start or what direction to go. In these volumes, Nebel distills teaching science into distinct “learning progressions” that develop knowledge and understanding in systematic, incremental steps. Following these progressions will guide students toward a broad comprehension of facts, ideas, and concepts embracing and integrating all major areas of science. Furthermore, the described methods of presentation, which emphasize first-hand observation and reasoning, will guide students to practice and develop the mind skills that underlie all scientific discovery. The learning progressions and emphasis on “discovery learning” make these books valuable for older beginning science learners, as well as K-8 students, and serve in preparing them to master the Next Generation Science or other state science standards. A place for ongoing Q and A, discussion of problems, and sharing of ideas is provided at no additional charge (see: bfsucommunity.com).