Unstoppable Confidence

A Life-Changing Workbook

by Astrid Harris


Book Details

Break Through the Barriers that are Limiting Your Self-confidence

Unstoppable Confidence is your ticket to a whole new life - you can be stronger, bolder, and more secure. This easy-to-use workbook tackles six breakthrough steps to help build self-confidence using case studies, exercises, assignments and empowering techniques.

• How to use a Confidence Role Model to learn how others approach life with poise,

assurance and grace

• Why a strong inner-belief system is a must for achieving self-confidence and

how to boost your own

• Key strategies to identify and overcome negative messages coming from others

and from yourself

• Much, much more!

If you've ever felt paralyzed by the possibility of failure, intimidated by other people's success, worried about making mistakes, or just plain held back in life, then Unstoppable Confidence is for you.

Self-confidence is strongly emphasized in our fast-paced world. If you want to remain competitive, you need to believe in yourself. Be empowered with Unstoppable Confidence!


Book Excerpt

Nothing has any meaning in life, except the meaning you give it; if you allow negative thoughts to harm you, they will! If you allow negative thoughts to help you, they will! YOU HAVE A CHOICE!


About the Author

Astrid Harris

ABOUT THE AUTHOR – Astrid Harris was born, raised and educated in Europe, studying law. As a successful life coach and motivator, Astrid Harris has a unique gift to help people break through barriers that limit their self-confidence in order to lead the life they want.



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