Unconditional Letters of Love

A Fictional Novel Inspired by True Acts of God

by Alfred Sotomayor


Book Details

A Love Never Fulfilled, Yet Unforgettably Satisfying

Texas native Leonard Bach has always been fascinated by his German heritage, and dreams of finding a girl with German blood to be his soul mate. He knows exactly what he is looking for: a spiritual Christian girl with strong values, who will make his every dream come true. But fate has other plans in mind. Leonard finds himself enthralled by a dancer…and he wants to write a book about her, to honor a promise he made to his father. Yet this is a famous woman, whose name and privacy could easily be disturbed by Leonard’s book. Leonard’s mother, a tennis player, suggests that he shield his true love with a fictional name, and pretend that she is a Russian tennis player. Thus begins an odyssey of love letters unlike any ever written before, as Leonard follows his soul mate, the Russian tennis player Julianna, all over the world, guided by her angels, his angels, and mystical forces that nobody can begin to understand. Through it all, Leonard remains dedicated to teaching Julianna—and through her, the reader—about the spiritual life that is necessary to every person. Unconditional Letters of Love is a fascinating and compelling journey through a unique love story that gives one man and one woman a chance at a spiritual connection ordained in Heaven and experienced on Earth. Comments from people that have read the book: The book is unique and thought provoking. Many thanks and blessings to you who has such a wonderful heart and special writing talents! You really took some time on this book as you really pondered your thoughts with deep passion and feelings. It shows there is a different side of you that expresses deep emotions and feelings. About the book, there are some very deep thoughts in, and I share a lot of those views. From the beginning of the book, I was impressed about the described feelings and attitudes; the emotions are very deep and that is what fascinated me. The more I read your book, the more I see you are a great writer. You weave your stories and your comments beautifully. I go back and reread as I sometimes find myself to busy. Then, things begin to fall into place for me. You are a deep, loving, spiritual being. Our planet is happy that you are a part of it. I am too. Thanks for your words. . . they mean a lot. I hope your book goes everywhere. The book is a great book. It is written well, in fact, you have mastered the English language. Amazing! Great Writing!


Book Excerpt



About the Author

Alfred Sotomayor

Unconditional Letters of Love is Alfred Sotomayor’s first published book. He has written two other novels, The Solitary Runnel of Struggle and Timeless Time, which he plans to publish in the future. Sotomayor supports many charitable organizations around the world. Proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to charity. Personal Information: authoralfredsotomayer@gmail.com Loves sports, art, Toronto and talking to engineers



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