Nothing much not that important ! traveler not a missionist. Searcher of personal chapters unexplainable sciences known or unknown working hard to find a answer that will be changed by the future. Basic person just wanting to enjoy life with happiness. With no hatters.Book press release Original locations Connecticut San Francisco Written And Published in the United States Of America
by Antonio Guttuso

by Antonio Guttuso
Published Feb 29, 2020
94 Pages
Genre: SCIENCE / Philosophy & Social Aspects
Book Details
Understanding Enlightenment Conversational With Confusion All At Once.
The End And Beginning Of Something
Through The Land Of The Uncharted
Wacky strange story about theoretical ideas
the elemental change of atmospheric particles
that is causing some kind of contained global
warming climate change.A team of professors
meet up on a travel expedition and begin to
investigate everything their story's and findings
are bazaar and totally weird because the team is
not human.