The Story of the Unlucky Teacher and Her Koalas

by Nina Johnson (


Book Details

A Different Perspective on High-Stakes Testing

Many teachers and students find themselves overwhelmed and discouraged by our current educational model of high-stakes testing. The Story of the Unlucky Teacher and Her Koalas is a must-read for any educator who believes that all children have the ability to learn and to be successful. The Unlucky Teacher finds herself demeaned by some and pitied by others who do not understand her Koalas who represent students with challenges in America’s public schools: some are poor and hungry, others have learning disabilities or physical impairments, and some have been taught not to believe in themselves. Refusing to be deterred by the judgments and humiliating comments of fellow villagers, the Unlucky Teacher leads her Koalas to a triumphant victory that defies community expectations. Warm-hearted and inspiring, this story illuminates the importance of having teachers who truly believe that all students can achieve high standards of academic success.


Book Excerpt

There once was a teacher in the small, quaint country village of All-We-Do-Is-Test. The other villagers often referred to her as the Unlucky Teacher because of the students she taught.


About the Author

Nina Johnson (

Nina Johnson is a passionate educator who started her teaching career as a high school English teacher in 2001. As a former English teacher and literacy coach at the historic James Benson Dudley High School located in Greensboro, North Carolina, she cultivated her love for helping enhance students’ lives by tapping into their natural ability to learn. Also, she impacted the lives of educators and students through her work as a middle and high school academic literacy coach for the Enrichment Region, and is currently having an even greater impact as the academic coach for the Southeastern Region of Guilford County Schools. Nina earned her AA in general studies from Patrick Henry Community College, her BA in English from Longwood College, and her MS in rehabilitation counseling from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.