Tamara Dunkel is a student of the human condition, wielding the ability to capture our inner thoughts and put them on paper like an artist molds her clay. The pages are a blank canvas transformed into an easy-to-follow guide that each of us need. With a talent heralded by many, she rises to the task in this important, necessary book.
These Are My Final Wishes
by Tamara Dunkel

These Are My Final Wishes
by Tamara Dunkel
Published Sep 12, 2007
64 Pages
Genre: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Death & Dying
Book Details
Give someone you love this book before it's too late
Whether for you or for someone you love, this guide will make a sad, painful time a lot more bearable. Knowing the Final Wishes of a loved one before they pass away helps everyone involved. It can help assure that survivors are doing the best they can to grant the Final Wishes of someone they loved, while also helping them through the steps that must be taken following the passing of that loved one. This helpful, easy-to-follow guide should be given to everyone you love so that their Final Wishes may be heard. This book is unlike the other planning books out there. It is simple and to-the-point. Inside it you can easily show your wishes or read the wishes of a loved one without researching every detail involved in a funeral or burial. Do not forget that your Final Wishes need to be heard also. The time to prepare for an event with an unpredictable date, is now. With this book, both you and your loved ones can be prepared.
Book Excerpt
This book is not only for the aged. It can and should be a reminder to everyone that our time here is unknown. We all want to live into our later years but do not all have that luxury. Talking to our young adult children, brothers, sisters, mother, father, and grandparents about our Final Wishes should not be difficult. If your sister had a favorite song she wanted played at her funeral, would you not like to know what song it is? If you Mother would rather be cremated instead of buried, would you not want to provide that for her? All of us want to know our loved one's Final Wishes. Giving this book to all of those close to our hearts and to ourselves can make life's final stages a bit easier to handle. Handle them with care.
Life is a gift given to us at birth. It is literally our first birthday gift. How we choose to live it becomes our gifts to ourselves. Hopefully you have chosen those gifts well. Death should not be feared if the life we live is well-lived. When your time has come, be prepared and prepare others. Your decisions now can help facilitate that. Live happy... Die happy...