The Incredible Journey to America

by Kaying Vang


Book Details

Overcoming the Odds

In the struggling and war torn land of Laos in the 1960s, the Hmong people of Laos were being invaded by the North Vietnamese army. The Incredible Journey to America will take you on a journey about the Hmong people in Laos through the eyes of a Hmong girl, Kaying. From running village to village, hiding in the deep jungles, and trekking through dangerous terrain, each day was very uncertain. Kaying and her family have to sacrifice everything for a chance to have a better life. This riveting journey will take you from some of the lowest points of poverty in Laos to a satisfying story of redemption and finding a new beginning in the United States.


About the Author

Kaying Vang

Kaying Vang was born in Hoi Hin Dam, Laos and has been living in the United States for over 30 years. She graduated from college in 1997 in Accounting and is working as the Senior Plant Manager Administrative Assistant for the US Postal Services. Kaying has a strong passion in gardening and helping others.