The Forgotten Temple

When is the last time you looked inside of you??? .....

by CoCo Saltzgiver


Book Details

The Forgotten Temple is you!

The Forgotten Temple's birth all started with the unfortunate death, of a beloved sister. The personnel story brings forth a Journey the main character and Author CoCo Saltzgiver embarked on, to realize and find that she had forgotten the most important part of herself. It is a unique story of forgiveness, releasing old pain and habits that we all hold on to for one reason or another. The willingness and effort it took to reach a positive outcome. The Forgotten Temple is based on 30 years of walking a Spiritual Path, realizing every day is a new day to become aware of what we are changing in our lives, and what we are holding on to that will not allow change and growth. It empowers people to go within, and find what they have protected. If feeling the pain is too much to deal with from all your experiences, this book can give you the tools to move forward in your everyday life and make those changes. You can take your own journey in discovering what resides in your Temple that needs forgiveness and freedom to let go....enjoy! It is the willingness and the longing for a new life that set CoCo free, which in turn gave her the opportunity to give it to others. With the Work Book as a guided tool, it allows the reader to write down all that is in need of healing and releasing in their lives. The Forgotten Temple,is a powerful Journey to take inside of you. This empowers the reader to breath in this World even that much more.!!!


Book Excerpt

The one gift I had not offered all the pain and fear living inside of me, FORGIVENESS....a huge yet simple Key to feeling free!


About the Author

CoCo Saltzgiver

CoCo Saltzgiver has taught workshops from self-healing to guided meditation. She is a 12 year Breast Cancer survivor and going strong. Her studies focus on the power and resilience of the human spirit and the process to recognize and overcome life’s emotional grips.



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