Dena Blatt was born and raised in a small town in Canada of immigrant Jewish parents from Russia. She has had varied careers. In each her talent has been to analyze, whether as head medical lab technologist; the owner of an electronics business; an investor in real estate; a researcher of the Holocaust; a graphoanalyst writing a “Dear Dena” newspaper column, a collaborator on the book "From the Ashes of Sobibor" — or as a “self-styled journalist” interviewing subjects in the following countries:
Germany—SS Karl Frenzel, acting commandant in 1943 in death camp Sobibor;
Israel—Thomas Blatt, survivor, author of From the Ashes of Sobibor
Russia—Sasha Pechersky, Russian Jewish officer, leader of Sobibor revolt
Switzerland—Simon Wiesenthal, famous Nazi hunter, and his family
England—Egidia Bochetta, amazing Italian psychic, and her children;
USA—Ida Kannenberg, “walk-in,” rare UFO contactee and antique dealer
Canada—Shirle Klein-Carsh, “wanderer,” rare UFO contactee and cosmic artist
Personal experiences growing up influenced the author to seek books on the Holocaust, psychology and the metaphysical. She had no knowledge of “wanderers,” Star People, aliens from other dimensions—or extraterrestrials looking like us, living and working among us—until meeting Shirlè later in life.
Dena Blatt is a grandmother and writer, living in Washington State and California.
The author’s education on UFOs and aliens is continuing and evolving. Beginning as curiosity, it has become for her a compelling desire to inform the ordinary general public (rather than the knowledgeable UFO community) of the following:
There are many races besides the negative “grays” who abduct; there are also positive ones who guide and care for us. And some aliens are living and working among us. They are far superior to us technologically, but they are only our neighbors and like us, have originated from the one Creator God. To understand UFOs one must accept the paranormal as in “Indigo, Wanderer, “Star People” and acknowledge the UFO/metaphysical connection. We need UFO knowledge to understand the psychological religious, financial, social and spiritual implications of alien/human interaction—how it can affect us personally, and we need it in order to intelligently influence the world—perhaps prevent a possible “star wars.”
All aliens have the same message: Earth will experience many natural and man-made disasters as it and its inhabitants go from third to fourth dimension in our inevitable spiritual evolution. Prophesies are only probabilities; we have free will to change them. It is imperative we save the ecology and show compassion for each other as the Earth goes through the “Shift”.
The Artist and the Alien
Guidance, Warnings, and Hope From an ET Living Among Us
by Dena Blatt

The Artist and the Alien
Guidance, Warnings, and Hope From an ET Living Among Us
by Dena Blatt
Published Sep 09, 2007
268 Pages
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Spirituality / General
Book Details
There are ETs who live and work among us and care about us
A universal question regarding the cataclysmic direction the world is taking:
Can it be reversed… or is it inevitable?
The Artist and the Alien—Guidance, Warnings, and Hope from an ET Living Among Us
offers an alien answer to this and other questions such as:
Why are they here? What’s it all about?
Earth, they say, will suffer many natural and man-made disasters as it and its inhabitants go from third to fourth and fifith dimensions. Spiritul evolution is inevitable. And some aliens are here because of it—to influence us regarding prophesies, pollution and global warming, armaments and our desire to enter space.
The Artist and the Alien is a true story. It begins with a "teacher" from the planet Sirius who has lessons for us all. In 1970, while living and working on Earth, he selects an artist to paint a civilization that contributed to its own demise, and offers an antidote: compassion. His message warns us, even as it conveys hope-as Earth and its inhabitants go through the "shift". The vehicle of this message is Shirlè, a Canadian woman who grew up feeling not only "different,"but that Earth was not her home and her parents not her real parents.
Looking like us, and using the cover of electronics repairman in a second-hand shop, the alien called Frank, prepares his student for her future mission (should calamities befall the Earth). For two years he personally guides her in her psychological, spiritual and artistic development, and gives her on leaving, various artifacts including eight copper plates inscribed with his alien writing. Afterwards, she and her art are forever changed.
The author delves into the metaphysical/UFO relationship; the connection of guidance with synchronicities; the "Indigo, wanderer, star-child" traits of the artist Shirlè; and our inevitable spiritual evolution as we go through the "shift".***
"Following the remarkable story of Shirlè Klein, alien experiencer, artist and messenger for humanity, the author gives a concise review of UFO literature, presenting the reader not only with the apparent metaphysical-alien connection, but with some important psychological, political and spiritual implications of the phenomenon that concern us personally." - R. Leo Sprinkle, PhD., Professor Emeritus, Counseling Services, University of Wyoming, author of Soul Samples
"The Artist and the Alien is a broad encompassing tale of human spiritual awakening, bringing the reader a wide range of important metaphysics. Keeping the practical and the personal always in mind, the author seeks to entrance and share the gems of understanding she's encountered throughout her own life and that of contactee and artist Shirlè Klein. There is much of interest in her offering." - Scott Mandelker, PhD. author of From Elsewhere: Being ET in America, and Universal Vision
"For far too long 'abductions' have abducted the UFO scene and have let most of us forget that there are many alien races visiting Earth and sometimes living among us. The Artist and the Alien is one woman's captivating true experiences with an alien looking like us, living and working on Earth." - Warren Aston, Australian (now Californian) UFO researcher and writer
"This is a fascinating study of someone with sensitivities hardly dreamed of by most persons. Other books present the carefully presented and reasoned case for the existence of inter-dimensional aliens interacting with humans. This book goes straight into the mystery and wonder of the human-alien contact." - Timothy Conway, PhD., author of Women of Power and Grace.
“Shirlè is a surrealistic painter whose talent reaches deep into the cosmic realm of the infinite, to create images and impressions of both magical and mysterious worlds outside the realm of the ordinary. Her strong sense of colour and unique style of presentation make each of her paintings a rare find in today’s art world. Shirlè has shown her art in many exhibitions around the world since 1965.”
—Frank Lewis Morton, Poet and Metaphysician, White Rock, B.C. Canada.
Click here to vist Dena Blatt's professional website further describing her book.
Click here to visit Shirlè's professional website where you may view her paintings in color.
Click here to visit Dena Blatt's website describing graphoanalysis - the analysis of handwriting.
Trade orders for this book may be placed at: or through Ingram and Baker & Taylor.
Book Excerpt
Chapter 1
What had drawn her here, she wondered—and so powerfully! A man in a blue shirt sat at a desk. She studied him—mid or late forties, shoulder length dark hair, sallow complexion, straight nose, thin lips—and the eyes, unremarkable except for the large, dark irises—Italian perhaps?
She wandered about, looking at house-wares. Meanwhile Mike, her reluctant blind date headed for the electronics section, more to his interest. He had to pass the man at the desk, who kept working at his papers. As a mathematician teaching at a university in Vancouver, Mike couldn’t help noticing strange writing and what were obviously equations.
“What are you doing?” he asked, fascinated. “What are those equations?”
“They’re not of this world,” the man said without looking up from his papers.
Shirlè, now close by, overheard. “Dear God, a nut,” she said to herself.
The man seemed to have read her thoughts. He turned, faced her, and smiled. While Mike probed the man for explanations of his mathematics, Shirlè went looking for something, anything, to buy. When she finally settled on a knickknack, the man was at the counter, waiting. She put down a bill.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
“Well, Frank, when are they going to take me?”
The man kept a straight face. “I’ll find out,” he said, and handed her the change.
As they left the shop, Mike could contain himself no longer. “Good God,” he said. “The math he was doing, made my knowledge look primitive. I feel I know nothing now.”
But Shirlè was not hearing him. She was lost in thought. She had asked that question half jokingly. Now she wondered—could it be possible? A real alien? An extraterrestrial?
She had reason to wonder.
Chapter 5
They were alone in the shop. Frank studied her intently. “Now,” he said, “we want you to gather people of your vibration.”
“I don’t understand,” said Shirlè.
“People of your vibration,” he answered as he sat down facing her, “are your soul group—those who came to Earth when you did. They would all be ‘going ‘home’.”
“How many are there?” asked Shirlè.
“About 30,000 people,” he said.
Shirlè was silent, dumbfounded.
“They’re like you,” he continued. “Just ordinary people. Let me see the disk I gave you.”
She handed it to him. He studied it—then faced her squarely. “You must gather together those of your vibration,” he repeated, his voice soft and kind, “and raise their awareness.”
Chapter 5
“How can we know where the catastrophes will strike?” ventured Shirlè, still in shock. “Will there be any places on our continent untouched by it all?
“There would be some ‘safe’ places,” he answered, “in various areas of central U.S. and Canada.”
“How many might survive in the world?”
“A rough estimate could be about three million from a total of six billion in the world. However, whether or not it will happen is still only a possibility.”
“I’m confused, said Shirlè. “If it’s not fated to happen, and it’s only a possibility—then what can make it a certainty?”
“Shirlè,” he said, his face grave, “you have the power—you have the free will to make whatever future!”
About the Author