The Adventures of Ralph Ribbit

by Louise T. Constantinople


Book Details

Time is running out for Ralph Ribbit...

“Where is it? Where is it? I knew it was around here somewhere,” Ralph Ribbit croaked in a panic. He looked under his armchair: nothing but a few dried leaves. Then he checked under his morning newspaper, which lay spread out on the table next to his chair. Not there either. He was already off to a late start; now he was wasting more time searching for the map of the stream. But somehow it had gone missing. Ralph is ready to start out on his trip upstream to pick up shirts for the Muddyville Middle School track team. The championship meet starts at noon on Saturday, and his son Reggie and the rest of the team are counting on him to get back with the shirts in time. But Ralph can’t find the map to the sports store, and he doesn’t know the way there without it. Follow Ralph on his frantic race against time as he struggles to complete his mission. Will he make it back in time?


About the Author

Louise T. Constantinople

Louise T. Constantinople is a former middle and high school Language Arts teacher with a Master’s Degree in Reading and over 20 years of classroom experience. She resides in Connecticut with her husband.

Also by Louise T. Constantinople

Ralph Ribbit's Wacky Week Off