Carolyn Boyce is a graduate of the University of Westminster and currently serves in full-time, voluntary, community based Christian ministry. She is also the author of the book Abound:How to be effective and fruitful in ministry.
Biblical Principles of Balance for the Soul
by Carolyn Boyce
Biblical Principles of Balance for the Soul
by Carolyn Boyce
Published Dec 29, 2011
169 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth
Book Details
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 2 KJV There are five dimensions of strength, spiritual, physical, relationship, soul and financial. Most people focus on the spiritual, physical and/or financial dimensions. Some struggle with the relationship dimension. But very few understand the importance of the soul. Without strength of soul it becomes impossible to be successful in the other dimensions of strength. Self-control is like a key which unlocks a door that leads to other doors. Self-control is a function of a healthy soul. Self-control enables a person to manage stress, keep his/her possessions, develop his/her thinking capacity, manage his/her emotions and apply his/her will to constructively solve problems. There are some opportunities that never come as long as a person’s soul is weak. There are some situations that can break a person if his/her soul is weak. While many celebrate success and excellence in one discipline e.g. sports, academia, business etc. many celebrities struggle in their personal lives to maintain healthy relationships, good health, and balance. Any until the weaknesses of the soul are addressed this struggle with continue. This book looks at a much neglected dimension of human experience. We are all born with weaknesses in our soul. We can all understand our weaknesses and being the journey to wholeness and prosperity without the stress and intrigue. Wisdom is good, some types of knowledge are good and understanding is also good. This book is about sharing understanding. I wrote this book when facing a very personal crisis. I have learnt that crises are points of learning and self-evaluation. What I learnt back then I have shared with you in this book. From then until now I have re-read this book over and over and worked on my own weaknesses. Today I am stronger; more balanced and have an increased capacity to deal with difficult, negative, stressful situations in a calm and sensible way. Everywhere I see people succeeding in one area but failing at so many other areas and I recognize where I would be without understanding the soul. Order your copy today or present a loved one with this thoughtful gift item.
Book Excerpt
Most of this book has been devoted to addressing flaws in the human soul. As long as these weaknesses persist, we provide Satan with numerous opportunities to build strongholds in our lives from which he can map out our destruction. If we allow these weaknesses to continue to exist, we cannot credibly blame Satan for our downfall. This chapter provides wisdom and understanding of the weapons available to believers for dealing with personal challenges. It is hoped that the perspective gained from this chapter would enable the reader to successfully overcome all future hardships regardless of its source. Crises resulting from poor personal choices need to be endured as the LORD uses the consequences of wrong doing to correct our way. This corrective process yields good fruit for the future. Crises that were inevitable due to flaws resident in the soul form the subject matter of this book. This book deals with diagnosing problems resident in the soul and determining a biblical solution forward. Crises which find their root causes in demonic devices can only be overcome by accessing and using GOD’s resources for strength i.e. the armour of GOD and the spiritual weapons of warfare. Crises that are part of the ongoing development of CHRIST-likeness in believers need to be viewed as learning experiences. Since these hardships are in line with GOD’s will for our lives, we should recognize that we cannot escape them until we have met the learning or transformational criteria GOD has set. For each type of personal challenge, the LORD has provided weapons and protection for the believer to endure difficult seasons. Most persons tend to fight the wrong enemy during crises, or use the wrong kind of weapons to fight battles. Knowing which weapons are useless and which will always yield success is critical knowledge for every believer. This chapter is critical to the believer’s quest for balance in their personal life. Personal tragedies will come so each Christian ought to be armed with godly instruction on how to successfully handle crises. There is merit in planning ahead. People are not our enemy, but according to Ephesians 6:12, Satan is. While people may be used as visible agents by Satan, they are not our enemy. When facing bitter hardships we must keep this fact at the forefront of our minds. Most people when faced with trying circumstances retaliate against those closest in proximity. This usually means family, and persons at work, or school. Most people react to difficult situations by attacking others since they wrongly perceive people as being responsible for their crisis. This is an unwise and uninformed decision.