Spirit of the King

The Legend of King Arthur

by George Leone


Book Details

Every Truth Has Its Legend. Every Legend Has Its Truth.

Briton is hard pressed by the Saxons and divided against itself as warring factions contend for the scraps of the prosperity and order that was the Roman Empire. A Romano-British chieftain named Riothamus, also known as Arthur, pushes against the Saxon tide and strives to hold the island together to reclaim the former glory of the Roman influence. He leads his band of warriors to rekindle the spirit of the people. Along the way and under unusual circumstances, he obtains Excalibur—a sword purported to have mystical abilities.

Lancelot, a gladiator seeking his own place in the world, teaches Arthur’s men the art of horse archery, making them almost invincible to the tribes against which they fight. His sister, Morgana, convinces him to lead his army to Europe, where he fights on behalf of one of the last Roman emperors. As the Britons fall one by one, King Arthur is determined that this battle will have an ending worthy of song…

Spirit of the King is a tapestry of medieval European history, with richly drawn characters, epic battles, and authentic detail. Take a step back in time and lose yourself in this sweeping tale—a story that brings an ancient era back to vivid, bright life.


About the Author

George Leone

George Leone combines his knowledge of military history with the historical foundation of the legend of King Arthur, painting a picture of life in the classical world as it existed in fifth-century Briton during the decline of the Roman Empire—the time and place of King Arthur. George lives in Centennial, Colorado, where he studies independent film making.



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