Simple, But Not Easy

A Guide to Raising Daughters Who Will Be Great Adults

by Ann Smith


Book Details

Simple, pure wisdom.
The common sense of your grandmother's generation.
This little book represents eighteen years of effort in shaping a family. It explains very simply what every parent wants to know:
"How do I raise good children?"
The book covers love and discipline (which are often the same thing), academics, sports.
The same principles of consistency apply to every area of a child's life.
It will be the hardest undertaking of your life, but undoubtedly the most rewarding.
Be brave. Be confident.
Enjoy child-rearing success.
Enjoy your children.
There is no greater gift that you can give your children than the ability to function in the real world.

"For new parents, this book should be their Bible."
---Dennis R. Paluszcyk, Ph.D.
Child Development/Parent Education

"This book serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibilities as parents. It reaffirms our core values and reorients us on the path of raising responsible, loving children. This book is a great reference to keep handy on your shelf. Read it now and next month and the next. Parents of children of all ages will benefit from the no-nonsense wisdom Ann Smith has to offer and will be able to apply it to their own child-rearing experience."
---Jeanne Traynor, R.N.

"This book must be read! Children do not come to us with instruction manuals, but Ann Smith's book is just that. She provides clear, concise and wise counsel to parents making difficult daily decisions. I refer to my copy regularly!"
--Lynn Rossi Scott, Attorney

"As parents, it is hard to remain focused on what your kids really need. This book reminds you about what is truly important!"
---Laura Meinzer, High School Basketball Coach

"This book should be read by everyone raising daughters. Keep it and reread it every month so the ideas are always in your mind."
---Linda Murry, Teacher


Book Excerpt

There is one part of my life of which I am truly proud.
My husband and I have raised children
who are respectful, grateful, happy,
and well-adjusted.

We love spending time with them.
Their grandparents and teachers like them.
They do well in school.
Each of them has a passion.
They respect themselves.
They respect us.
These children are priceless,
and they know it.

The world needs more people like them,
and so I have compiled these ideas to help you
raise the kind of children
who are a pleasure to be with.

You can create the happy home and family
that you want.
You can train your daughters
to be valuable, pleasant parts
of the household.
If you don't do it yourself, then no one else will.
When your children grow up,
they will be useful, productive citizens.

It is simple, but not easy.

And the earlier in their lives
that you can begin,
the more successful you will be.


About the Author

Ann Smith

A graduate of Texas A&M University and the University of Texas School of Law, Ann Smith chose to set aside her career and dedicate her life to raising two daughters to successful adulthood. She counts herself fortunate to have the complete support, strength and love of her husband, Rob.