Secret Circle of Women

Where Queens Rule and Honey Bees Dance

by Laura Henderson


Book Details

Fasten your seatbelt! You are about to read some stories that will absolutely astound you!

This collection of truly amazing and inspirational stories reflects the real-life accounts of women who have achieved greatness or overcome dynamic challenges at life’s mid-point. Each story is true, and told in a unique way by the women contributors themselves. All of the stories are hand picked and selected especially for this book.


About the Author

Laura Henderson

Laura Henderson is a wife, mom, student and working professional. Laura is passionate about education and is presently attending Cambridge College Graduate studies program pursuing an MBA where she has based this book as the final thesis project for her degree completion. Laura resides in Newburyport, MA with her husband, Richard. Their son is a U.S. Navy Corpsman and daughter is an accomplished cake artist.