Rational Polemics

Tackling the Ethical Dilemmas of Life

by Richard Todd Devens


Book Details

What If Everything You Know Is Wrong?


Rational Polemics is a provocative, controversial, outrageous book that dares to challenge the ideas and values that most of the world has been spoon-fed from infancy onward. With personal anecdotes, tongue-in-cheek humor, and refreshing candor, author Richard Devens thinks outside the traditional strictures of convention and morality, and asks important questions, including: Does poetic justice exist? Is forgiveness always the best method to achieve closure? Do we have the right to end our own lives? Should drugs be legal? Can prostitution be beneficial? If you’re ready to consider the true nature of evil, to look at the hypocrisies inherent in religion, to think about whether humanity really is a “higher form of life,” and to open your mind to new ideas about subjects ranging from adultery to cannibalism to rude people and distracting background music, Rational Polemics will be a welcome breath of fresh air from a writer who might be one of the most original thinkers of our time.


About the Author

Richard Todd Devens

Richard Devens is a classically trained pianist, piano instructor, and writer. His article What Is Talent? appeared in the September-October 1992 issue of Piano Guild Notes. Earl Wild-The Romantic Master, a full-length interview of the late great piano virtuoso, was the cover feature of the November-December 1996 issue. Richard is co-author of the book Martial Arts for Kids (Weatherhill, 1997). He has also contributed articles to WUSHU KUNG FU, Official Karate, Karate/Kung-fu Illustrated, and BLACK BELT. He lives in New York.



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