Book Details

Where people are united no matter what race or heritage, “The Music World”!!! In this book music notes come to life that many people know nothing about. A story of two different groups of kids, one from the country North Carolina, the other from the city Brooklyn, who all meet at a state wide school talent show. One kid who is autistic struggles to conquer his fears by doing magic tricks in the talent show but gets scared and backs out of the show where he meets both groups of kids who helps him find his hidden talent, Music! Take a walk through the ups and the downs, the good and the bad’s of kids from two different worlds who meet in the one world that unites people from all over no matter race or heritage, “The Music World”, where Music Becomes A Life!!!


Book Excerpt

Quiz ?! Who's music note is like there name just upside down with 2 bugs in the Bk ?! Jennybug


About the Author

Vienna Inigo

About Author – Anonymous – This book was writing by a person who someone told one day as a kid that he couldn’t live his dream to become a football player because he was too short. Having no one there for him as a kid to tell him that, that is not true! You can become anything you want to in life! Don’t let no one tell you, you can’t do it! He believed this person and gave up his dream until someone came along and told him” Yes You Can” which was when he realized all his life he believed something that wasn’t true, he could have become a football player! Now every dream as a kid and as an adult he strives to reach. Dedicated to the women in my life, My Mother, Ma, Moms, My Guardian Jojo and the one who started this whole mess in the first place, My Love!!! Contact info: 203 - 747 - 5272