Memories and Mysteries

True Memories and Short Stories

by James W. Dean

Memories and Mysteries

Memories and Mysteries

True Memories and Short Stories

by James W. Dean

Published Aug 28, 2017
251 Pages


Book Details

Mysterious Short Stories and True Memories All in One Book

Here in the pages of this book you will find true memories from my childhood. Follow along as this young boy spends time in an orphan home, discovers tunnels and abandoned houses, walks the rusty old railroad tracks, and travels the muddy riverbanks. These memories are fresh and clear in my mind, and I treasure each one of them. I think that these memories will intrigue you as you read them. At the end of each true memory you will find a mysterious story based on the memories that I have shared. So, will you come along on the journey through my, Memories & Mysteries.


Book Excerpt

As I sit and look out over the rocky waterway of the swiftly moving James River, the sun is slipping slowly down behind the tall maple trees. The long shadows on the ground are starting to hide the bright gold and red leaves that now cover the riverbank. The thick frothy white foam on the glimmering water splashes up against the brown boulders and roll off down the river, only to be met by another wave of the milky foam. It is not long before the mass of foam is carried away by the ever-flowing water of this mighty river. I stare out over the white rapids and I can only wonder how far the water will carry the heavy foam before it is deposited onto a muddy riverbank many miles away. My stare is interrupted as my eyes catch sight of a large river log floating rapidly along with the quickly moving water. The large piece of nearly black wood, was once a mighty, black walnut tree. I can almost see it standing tall on the riverbank with its strong, bark covered limbs reaching for the heavens. However, now it is only another water soaked log on a long journey to the next bend in the river. Where it will be left to rot, trapped forever between a pair of giant, half buried rocks that have set for century's unmoved by water, wind, and time.


About the Author

James W. Dean

James Dean is an author from Eastern North Carolina, where he lives with his wife Brenda. James was born in the mountains of Southwestern Virginia. He spent his childhood years in and around Richmond, and in the small towns of Chesterfield County, Virginia. He feels that he is very fortunate to have experienced the intercity life and the wide-open country life. This has given him the life experiences that enabled him to write this book. He hopes that you will find it to be as interesting as he believes it to be.

Also by James W. Dean

Mountain Mysteries


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