
Trusting and Believing in God

by Linda Crumb


Book Details

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Discover genuine and open truths about what God can do in a life of trust, humility, and prayer in this empowering, breathtaking testimonial. When we open ourselves to God and embrace a union of communication and relationship, He in turns gives us the strength and spiritual inspiration needed to accomplish His plan for our lives. Trusting in God is sometimes difficult to do, but it is necessary to fulfill a fruitful and healthy relationship and a lifestyle that can be identified with the hope that our God works ALL things out in His glorious timing, for His glory. Trusting in God isn’t always easy, but knowing His love surrounds you and helps you to pursue your desires is worth the wait. Be empowered in your walk and belief that God has all things in His control. Be open to change in your life. Be vigilant about the opportunities that await you. Be prayerful in all things, and above all, be conscientious of God’s timing and position for your life.


About the Author

Linda Crumb

Linda Crumb is a single mother of four beautiful children—teens and young adults—living in Oregon. She has been in church all her life and loves to serve others. Linda has had to overcome many of the challenges that others struggle with today, and finding the heart to follow after God made her stronger. She is a woman of prayer and entrusts the wisdom of God to bless her and her family. Life: Trusting and Believing in God is her debut book.



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