Yes, Si, Oui

My English, Spanish, French Book of Quotes

by Jean Yacoub


Book Details

And when we give the rose we forget we’ve given nothing yet but the rose.

From the author of the bilingual collection of poems, Soundless Guitars, Adulterous Dreams, here’s a collection of unpretentious, pleasing thoughts, authored by ordinary speakers of our collective wisdom. But now enhanced and presented in English, Spanish, and French. “It takes more than looking to see; more than seeing to understand; more than understanding… to uphold the truth.” Regardless of how this idea may resonate in your first language, pondering on it in any second or third YES-SI-OUI language adds to the enjoyment that we all expect from a good book. So take out a minute and do your mind a favor! Read them in the language of your choice; brush up on what you have learned, or meet your favorite new language halfway. Play with them. Say them aloud. And let your mind enjoy the game.


About the Author

Jean Yacoub

Jean Yacoub, Middle Eastern by birth, dreamer by nature, chooses nomadic living as a primary occupation. Duties of living consisted of gambling; teaching ESL and French as an interim calling; retailing (a frequent plaque and prize winner); drifting aimlessly (fueled by curiosity); observing people for inspiration; writing as a learning tool; preaching the truth without followers, and often collecting love memories. “Life may be an accidental place, but it’s worth living because that’s where all the pleasures gather.” JY

Also by Jean Yacoub

Kites, Bulls, & Roses
Soundless Guitars, Adulterous Dreams