I Wonder

A Book for Children, Parents and Other Grownups

by Jane Altman

I Wonder

I Wonder

A Book for Children, Parents and Other Grownups

by Jane Altman

Published Feb 12, 2016
53 Pages


Book Details

I Wonder entertains and engages the parents who read it, the children to whom it is read and any grownup who looks inside the cover.

This book is a treasure! It is unusual in its endearing and educational verses and illustrations for children and in its engaging and varied pieces for parents – and other grownups. The rhymes are appealing, the illustrations are wonderful and the writings range from heartfelt to hilarious. All in all a must read.


About the Author

Jane Altman

JANE ALTMAN is an accomplished actress and voiceover artist and is a member of Emerging Artists Theatre in New York. She holds a degree in English from Temple University in Philadelphia and is a member of The Writers Group in New York where I Wonder began.