America's Destiny

by Jackie Ruth Wilson


Book Details

“Honoring Heroes Of A Foreign War”

Jackie Wilson birthed Iraq, Their Mission, Our Journey through the deployment of her son and godson to Iraq,the bereavement of her Mother and other family members, multiple illnesses, healings, deliverance, and new births. God delivers on time.


Book Excerpt

Following 9-11, America bombed Iraq, and we were overwhelmed. Our troops had embarked on a journey of the unknown in a foreign land. People were killing anyone who represented good. A war to disarm a state became a fight against insurgency. Terrorism and sectarian warfare was tarring Iraq apart. The military had not properly trained our troops in disarming Improvised Explosive Device (I.E.D) roadside bombs; therefore, they were dying daily and others were injured. Yet, at every turn, our troops were serving with courage and resolve. They were determined to complete every mission given including defeat a regime that was terrorizing the Iraqi people. In the meantime, our relations aboard were strained and unity at home was being tested. The media had no positive news to report to us about Iraq. Violence was escalating daily. God delivers on time.


About the Author

Jackie Ruth Wilson

Jackie Ruth Wilson was born to Mr. & Mrs. Clarence and Sarah Wilson on July 4, 1952. God blessed her with 3 children including Keesha, Tomika and Todochi,11 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandson. She graduated from Thomson High School, Penn Foster Career School, and Herbert W. Armstrong Bible Correspondence School. Her first publication was entitled, My God Delivers On Time. She currently resides in Lima, Ohio.



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