Happy Graduation

Take God With You

by Mitzi Odom Young


Book Details

You Were Created to Need God

My goal for this book is that every graduate in the USA and International nations receive this book on graduation day to inspire and encourage them to know God’s love for them. To know the duty of man. To have faith, hope, and dream. To know that they are created to need God. To know that the 10 Commandments were created to protect us, make us wise and give us joy and light. To know that God has a great plan for their life who follow him.


About the Author

Mitzi Odom Young

I am Mitzi Odom Young. I was born in Meridian Mississippi in 1961. I went to Bay High School, Bay, St. Louis Mississippi. My parents are W.F. Odom Jr. and Earnestine Lee Odom of Stonewall, MS. I have my only son, Adam Odom Young, age 11. I enjoy encouraging people with God’s love, hope and faith. I have one Sister, Bridgett Odom. I have three brothers. Greg Odom, Gary Odom and Chuck Sadhue and I love them dearly. I enjoy being used by God to help others.



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