Guitar Music for the Mid-Life Crisis

(Music: Why We Listen, Why We Play)

by John Foley


Book Details

“Finally the soundtrack of our lives gets the book it deserves. John Foley takes us on a remarkably insightful journey that, like music itself, is at once deeply personal and universal.”

After forty years as a music fan, student, professional musician and Music Therapist I found myself losing interest in music. For years I had played because I wanted and needed to. Now I played when I had to and wasn’t listening with much interest. I knew a lot about the “how” of music. Now I had to re-discover the “why.”


About the Author

John Foley

John Foley is (still) a musician and Music Therapist. He has performed across the US and Canada. Recordings include Rock, Folk and children’s music as well as educational material for the BBC and the Smithsonian Institute.