What Your Pastor Doesn't Want You To Know About Tithes A Must-Read for anyone who pays 10% tithes or gives money to a Leader, Pastor, Charity, Non-Profit Organization or Church

by Author DavidLee



What Your Pastor Doesn't Want You To Know About Tithes A Must-Read for anyone who pays 10% tithes or gives money to a Leader, Pastor, Charity, Non-Profit Organization or Church

by Author DavidLee

Published Mar 26, 2013
179 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Stewardship & Giving


Book Details

The Changing Face of Christianity

Today’s Christian experience is not what it used to be. So much has changed. One visit to a Sunday morning service and you will know that this is not the church you grew up with. Churn and frustration are at an all-time high as many have voted with their feet and no longer attend worship service. CHURCH - her thirst to be accepted by the world and possess what it has to offer has negatively impacted her preaching and influence on society. Silent, she has no response to the moral decay of our time, yet she takes in more money than most will earn in two life-times. Product pitches from the pulpit and product tables in the lobby are normal and a guaranteed scriptural reference to paying Tithes is inevitable. Laboring over souls on the altar is a thing of the past as many ministries look for ways to be more profitable. Being about “My Fathers Business” has taken on a whole new meaning as the North American Church struggles to hold to the code of Divine Ethics that was once delivered to the saints by those who once valued the concept of no compromise. You have questions? Sunday Morning Stickup has Biblically based answers concerning the subject of tithes. Click here if you are an author or if you are interested in becoming a published author.


Book Excerpt


About the Author

Author DavidLee

DavidLee loves God, his wife and children and all kinds of people.