Cracking the Dyslexia Code

A Parent's Guide

by Gerald Hughes

Cracking the Dyslexia Code

Cracking the Dyslexia Code

A Parent's Guide

by Gerald Hughes

Published Sep 19, 2019
147 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Special Education / Learning Disabilities


Book Details

Cracking the Dyslexia Code is the ultimate Do-It-Yourself guide to overcoming the effects of dyslexia and other reading struggles.

Cracking the Dyslexia Code leads the user step-by-step through a simple, yet powerful program to improve reading. writing. spelling. vocabulary, test-anxiety, and much more.

Cracking the Dyslexia Code goes beyond phonics training and other interventions in that it addresses each of the four most common causes underlying most reading. writing and spelling issues.

Cracking the Dyslexia Code is the perfect manual for parents of children struggling with the effects of dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning challenges. Simply incorporate the easy-to-use exercises and strategies into the students classroom and homework assignments and see significant improvements beginning the very first day.

"Adam showed dramatic improvement after completing his Learning Program at the Neuro-Linguistic Learning Center. I, for one, will be eternally grateful to Mr. Hughes and for the help my son received."
- Jennifer M., El Dorado Hills

"The NLC Program helped my child go from excellent to OUTSTANDINGI"
-- Melissa S., Folsom, CA

"G R E A T news!!! Sarah got 20 out of 20 of her spelling words CORRECT today - isn't that awesome?"
- Patricia M.

Imagine, one book, a simple, 10-step program, to significantly improve academic performance while reducing stress and increasing confidence and self-esteem.

Cracking the Dyslexia Code is truly life-changing.


About the Author

Gerald Hughes

Gerald Hughes spent most of his scholastic life struggling with the effects of Dyslexia and ADHD. In 2006, after a career in Architecture, Gerald founded the Neuro-Linguistic Learning Center in California. Since then, Gerald has been assisting children, teens and adults in overcoming the effects of Dyslexia, ADHD, and other sensory-based learning challenges. Gerald is father to six children, several of whom have had their own struggles with Dyslexia and ADHD. He is the author of several books and programs including: “Gifted—Not Broken: Overcoming Dyslexia, ADHD and Other Learning Challenges”, “Finding Your FACE: Brain Dominance as Personality”, and “Saving Robin Williams: A Study in Despair and a Search for Hope”.

Also by Gerald Hughes

Finding Your Face