TAMI A. GOLDSTEIN became State and Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork in 2005. In 2013, Tami became Certified in CranioSacral Therapy having received her training from The Upledger Institute. She has 2 offices with a focus on infants, children and teenagers on the Autism Spectrum and Sensory Processing Disorders. She lives in Wisconsin with Stan, her husband of 33 years. She has 2 children, 1 grandchild and continues to advocate for children and families. For more information about the Author go to WWW.Comingthroughthefog.com A portion of the profits will be donated to the SPD Foundation. (The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation expands knowledge, fosters awareness and promotes recognition of Sensory Processing Disorders.)
Coming Through the Fog
A mother shares her journey of her daughter’s recovery from Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder to Functioning Recovery and independent living while providing helpful tips for other parents.
by Tami A. Goldstein
Coming Through the Fog
A mother shares her journey of her daughter’s recovery from Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder to Functioning Recovery and independent living while providing helpful tips for other parents.
by Tami A. Goldstein
Published Feb 12, 2013
181 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Medical (incl. Patients)
Book Details
Tami's daughter, Heather, was diagnosed a month shy of her 13th birthday with High-Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome. She watched her daughter spiral out of control medically and educationally until she found an occupational therapist who explained how Heather's Sensory Processing
Disorder impacted the Autism. Together mother and daughter learned from this OT how a Sensory Diet, CranioSacral Therapy, and Bio-Medical Therapies can lead to Functioning Recovery. Tami navigated the public school environment and the medical community to get the right support for Heather, who succeeded in spite of the educational discrimination. Tami shares her recommendations for other parents as she tells the story of Heather's Coming
Through the Fog.