Colors of the Firestorm

The Great Peshtigo Fire

by Linda Brieno


Book Details

The Great Peshtigo Fire

THE FIRE It was the deadliest fire in North America. In less than 16 hours, 1.8 million acres—2,400 square miles—burned. People fled. There was no time to react. Thousands of lives were lost. But no help came. THE HEROES Jean Pierre and Father Peter Pernin. A half-breed Indian and a priest. Two contrasting characters collide, Native American vs. Catholic beliefs, destined to lead the people through. THE MYSTERY Why did it happen? The Great Peshtigo Fire of 1871 is lost somewhere in history even though it is still listed among America’s top ten worst natural disasters. Nobody ever determined the cause. Theories exist, yet none can match the vivid descriptions of actual eye witnesses.


About the Author

Linda Brieno

LINDA BRIENO resides with her husband and granddaughter, Melany Brieno, on 200 wooded acres in the forestland of northeastern Wisconsin. The author of two other successful novels, this story proved a challenge. Thankfully, with help from the community, many of whom had ancestors who were survivors of the fire, this novel was produced. With her background as a Trauma Nurse Specialist, Brieno captures subtle details and special insight.