Book Details

Catch a Ride with the Cabbie Who's Dishing on America's Taxi Business

What’s it really like to be a cabbie in America’s top tourist destinations? Can You Hack It? from veteran taxi driver Michael Galasso puts you behind the wheel of this mysterious, exciting—and dangerous—profession. Catch a ride with Galasso as he describes:

• Breaking into the biz: Discover some of the diverse stories of how cabbies got their first gig—and the scary encounters that proved too much for some.

• Meet the most bizarre fares: As a cabbie in Ft. Lauderdale and Las Vegas, Galasso picked up some real weirdos. Here, he describes just a few.

• Learn the secret kickback system that greases cabbies’ wheels and involves Vegas’s top nightclubs and massage parlors.

• Uncover the corruption that’s rife in the highly insular world of taxis—and how the media misses the mark.

• Encounter the cheapskate owners who hold drivers to ridiculous standards of ridership—or else.

• Go inside a secret society of cabbies. With their own newspaper and code of conduct, being a cabbie is like entering an exclusive club.

Can You Hack It? is a rare glimpse into a world that’s guaranteed to change forever the way you see your driver. Whether you’ve ever wanted to drive a cab in a big city, are a frequent passenger or are just curious about what it’s like, Can You Hack It? is your ticket to ride.


About the Author

Michael V Galasso

Michael V. Galasso was born in Yonkers. Married to his wife Pamela for twenty-three years, the couple currently resides in Henderson, Nev. Galasso has been in the taxi business for over seventeen years.