My Story of Adopting Three Children from Haiti

by Craig Juntunen


Book Details

Craig Juntunen appeared to have it all. He sold his company at the age of 40, and set out to live the good life of retirement. But he soon began to feel something was lacking. When a friend told him the story of adopting two girls from Haiti, Craig's emptiness gave way to a sense of adventure. On a trip to the desperate Third World nation, a country wracked by poverty, corruption and kidnappings, his self-serving lifestyle began a very profound transformation. At an orphanage outside of Port-Au-Prince Craig encountered Espie, Amelec and Quinn. Even after decades of table-pounding declarations he would never have children, at 51 Craig became a dad. This inspirational story of an unexpected journey and personal transformation will say many things to different people. But for all it delivers a powerful reminder of our responsibility to reach out and be there for kids.

"Craig's story is very compelling and very real. It demonstrates the beauty of the adoption story....everybody wins. You start out by providing a home for a child but you end up providing more for yourself than you ever imagined." Kirk Triplett, PGA Golf Professional and adoptive parent.


About the Author

Craig Juntunen

About the Author: After a successful business career, Craig Juntunen started Chances for Children, a foundation that works on behalf of orphaned and abandoned children in Haiti. Over the years Juntunen has also been involved in other philanthropic causes: A college scholarship fund, a fundraising golf tournament for Special Olympics, and many other local and regional charitable activities. He enjoyed a successful athletic career, culminating as a quarterback in the Canadian Football League. He is a member of the University of Idaho Hall of Fame and the State of Idaho Athletic Hall of Fame.