An encyclopedic reference to the language of anatomy and neuroanatomy. It provides the fascinating origin of terms and biographies of anatomists/physicians who originated them.

by Ronald A. Bergman and Adel K. Afifi



An encyclopedic reference to the language of anatomy and neuroanatomy. It provides the fascinating origin of terms and biographies of anatomists/physicians who originated them.

by Ronald A. Bergman and Adel K. Afifi

Published Jul 01, 2016
552 Pages
Genre: MEDICAL / Anatomy


Book Details

This is not your typical anatomy book.

Conceived by two emeritus professors, Drs. Ronald A. Bergman and Adel K. Afifi—with a combined 100 years of experience teaching gross anatomy and neuroanatomy—this book is designed to facilitate the understanding of the “mysterious” terminology used in anatomy, biology, and medicine, making the learning experience as pleasant as possible. Readers will be able to incorporate this understanding into their career choices, whether they are medical, dental, nursing, health science, or biology students. Anatomy is unique in design, purpose, and scope. It defines the terminology of anatomy, including origin, and includes a gallery of biographies of scientists and researchers responsible for them. The third section of the book examines the nervous system, with definition and origin of named structures and syndromes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The result is an enhancement of the learning process in neuroanatomy, which is fraught with a seemingly endless number of disconnected terms. This book is not merely a glossary. Anatomy serves as a reference encyclopedia, designed for students who are learning a new language that is indispensable for a career in the health and biological sciences. At first it may appear a formidable task, but this easy-to-follow book offers an explanation of how our anatomical lingo evolved from Greek, Latin, and other sources in order to make sense of these terms, helping to cement them in a student’s understanding.